An Annual Gathering

SUMMER! Finally!

This month, SUMMER finally arrives, and with it, a recording on Relationships…you know, those things that can make or break our sense of Self and Happiness?!

This year’s gathering brought us Stefan Gonick, who talked about Breaking the Bonds of the Protective Heart…to Expand Love. (How can you resist that!?) Hear it for the first time, or enjoy again and pass along to someone who could use this uplifting information to have the best Summer ever!

Stefan Gonick


Were You There?   Such a Great Year! IMG_1248

The 2015 Spring Energy Event rocked!  For 3 days, our community came together and shared, laughed, rested, relaxed, supported, bonded, learned, swapped, tapped and got inspired for a whole new year of service to their own communities and practice.   IMG_1071IMG_1065

Whew!  A labor of love became a mission, and that has turned into a connected community of communities.  You all make me so very proud and happy as you carry this work out into the world.


Here’s a recording for you, from the fabulous Betty Moore-Hafter, talking about The Alchemy of EFT is here; listen and pass along so all can benefit from her generous ideas and experience:  

Betty Moore-Hafter