SPRING AGAIN! Dear Community, it’s been a long few months since we were together, and I’ve heard from some of you that you’re missing our messages and the excitement of our usual SEE get togethers in April. It makes me happy to hear from you, and that you’re missing ‘Us.’ I use that for fuel […]
It’s ON! 12 Years Celebrated This Year!
It’s ON, and we are reconnecting, live, in-person, April 13 & 14th in a beautiful Connecticut seaside venue. We’ll also be re-connecting with our community all over the world via LIVE-Stream, so everyone can participate in our 12th year Homecoming! JOIN MAILING LIST PROGRAM will run Saturday, 4/13 at 9am to Sunday, 4/14, at […]
A Dozen Years Ago…
Hard to believe, but here we are – 12 years, later! Still here, still growing, evolving and going strong. And even though we had to take a break from the in-person weekend event we loved, we made it through, together. Thanks to our beloved Gene Monterastelli, we were able to glide through with grace and […]
Another Fine Year Accomplished…Our Most Intimate, Personal
2023’s Spring Energy Event was surely one to remember! We had a ‘full house’, on and offline, gathering to spend time with old friends, make new ones and hear the stories of coming Home to self that give us courage, enthusiasm and wisdom, for the journey we all undertake. I hope you were able to […]
SEE #11 was awesome!
Spring Energy Event 11 was truly amazing. It was the most personal and intimate SEE, yet. All the speakers brought the theme of HOMECOMING to surprising and different facets of experience, both personal and professional. With each presentation we saw more and larger ripples of similar concepts and evolving themes of changing perceptions around living, […]
The 2023 Spring Energy Event is Almost Upon Us!!
HOMECOMING! Trumpets!! We’re celebrating our 11th birthday! As in every year, we’ve got a fantastic weekend retreat coming your way. Old friends will rejoice, and newcomers will feel the magic of SEE. It’s simply the best community gathering, brimming with energy, surprises, outstanding presentations and the relaxing, once-a-year weekend we give ourselves. For all […]
Steaming Towards Our 11th Year!
Our 11th (!!!) anniversary celebration will be on April 21-23, 2023, returning to our beloved in-person community retreat format!* We’ll be meeting this year at a Hilton, Hotel MTK, in Mt. Kisco and will revive our format of Friday afternoon arrivals to experience different modalities and catch up with old friends, a meet up in […]
The 10th Anniversary Spring Energy Event: The SEE Gathering Returns! Ahhh-mazing.
The SEE 2022 FULL PROGRAM is Available! Click Here to access. ** The 10th Anniversary Spring Energy Event is ON! When? April 1-3, 2022 – ONLINE! $99 weekend tickets are now available How to grab your seat? Right here: GRAB YOUR SEAT HERE! Smart Button; uses your PayPal or any credit card : ) Even […]
The Spring Energy Event, TapFest for the next decade
A community gathering with guts and heart! That’s us! Once a year we gather together. In community, a weekend designed FOR us, BY us and TO us. Join us, April 16-18. We’re making our way out of the uncharted territory of a COVID-fueled 2020. There we found strange new times where our services were […]
The Spring Energy Event community gathering
It’s NOT too early to reserve your spot for next year! It’s Always Been About Connection. ******************** Info on SEE 2020, here: (A few places left) And the 2020 SEE gathering created a big change for our community event during the Covid crisis, we’re going LIVE, Online! […]